Sunday, July 26, 2015

Siebel: Troubleshoot Siebel eMail Response

Communications Inbound Receiver (CommInboundRcvr) and Communications Outbound Receiver (CommOutboundRcvr) Server components are used to process incoming emails and outgoing emails.
Below are the basic diagnostics steps performed to collect the necessary logs for further troubleshooting:

  • Increase logging for Communications Inbound Receiver (CommInboundRcvr) component:

    1. Login to the Siebel application as SADMIN.
    2. Navigate to "Administration - server configuration>Components view.
    3. Query and select "Communications Inbound Receiver" component.
    4. Increase the log level in the events tab.
    5. Bounce the Siebel server.
    6. The Communications Inbound Receiver tasks starts automatically and process incoming emails for the active Response groups.
    7. Logs are generated in SIEBEL_ROOT\siebsrvr\log directory.

  • Capture the Inbound Emails:
    1. Login to the Siebel application as SADMIN.
    2. Navigate to Communications Administration > Communications Drivers and Profiles view.
    3. Select the Internet SMTP/POP3 server communications driver.
    4. In the "Drivers parameters" applet, set the below parameter:
      • Delete Processed Messages = "FALSE"
    5. Bounce the "Communications Inbound Receiver" component.
    6. Successfully processed email messages are stored in SIEBEL_ROOT\SiebSrvr\bin\processed directory.
    7. Failed emails are stored in SIEBEL_ROOT\SiebSrvr\bin\failed directory.

  • Capture SMTP/POP3 protocol:
    1. Login to the Siebel application as SADMIN.
    2. Navigate to Communications Administration > Communications Drivers and Profiles view.
    3. Select the Internet SMTP/POP3 server communications driver.
    4. In the "Drivers parameters" applet, set the below parameter:
      • LogDebug = "TRUE"
    5. logs are generated at SIEBEL_ROOT\SiebSrvr\log directory. check for POP3SMTP*.log file or IMAPSMTP*.log.

  • Event Fields files
    • As the Siebel eMail response downloads the email messages from the monitored mailbox, the Internet SMTP/POP3 server component driver parses them and generated EventFields file for each inbound email message. They are temporarily stored in SIEBEL_ROOT\SiebSrvr\bin\queued\<eMail Response group name> directory. These are passed to the workflow process to handle the incoming message.

  • Capture the Outbound Emails:
    1. Login to the Siebel application as SADMIN.
    2. Navigate to Communications Administration > Communications Drivers and Profiles view.
    3. Select the Internet SMTP/POP3 server communications driver.
    4. In the "Drivers parameters" applet, set the below parameter:
      • Save Sent Messages = "FALSE"
    5. Failed emails are stored in SIEBEL_ROOT\SiebSrvr\bin\sent directory.


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