Thursday, July 30, 2015

Siebel genbscript Error: "Couldn't enumerate buscomps "

This Error "Couldn't enumerate buscomps <Initial>" might occur when you try to generate Browser Scripts using genbscript utility in Siebel.
Below is a screenshot of the same error:

The Error usually occurs when you get a fully compiled srf from one environment and try to use it in a different environment.

The error occurs due to missing [DataSources] definition for EBC's defined in the source environment.

Normally, DataSources are defined in the application cfg file in a local db while the same are defined in Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprise Profile Configuration view in the server.

To find the exact missing DataSource, we have to capture the logs for the session running the genbscript.exe

Steps to Increase Log level & find the DataSource name:

  1. Create an Environment variable on the machine where you are running the utility SIEBEL_LOG_EVENTS = 5
  2. Run the genbscript utility to get the error message.
  3. Open siebel.log in the [Siebel root]\client\log directory.
  4. Go to the line for the same error and then navigate to the steps prior to the error message.
  5. You will find the name of the missing DataSource definition.
Next, you need to create a dummy DataSource definition in the application cfg file like below:

Add under [DataSources]

TESTSOURCE = TESTSOURCE (where TESTSOURCE is the name of the missing DataSource from the log file)

Add after [ServerDataSrc]


Now, try running the genbscript utility using the same cfg file where you added the DataSource and it should run fine without any errors.


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