Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Siebel Error: "The server you are trying to access is either busy or experiencing difficulties."

Below is the full error message when user tries to login to the thin client using URL:

"The server you are trying to access is either busy or experiencing difficulties. Please close the Web browser, open a new browser window, and try logging in again. [hh:mm:ss]"

Below are some high level steps to troubleshoot and narrow down the issue:

  • Bounce the whole Environment
    • Stop the Web Server, Siebel server and the Gateway server in the same order.
    • Restart the Siebel Gateway server, Siebel server and the Web server.
    • wait for 3 to 5 minutes to give time for the Object manager to load and then try to open the URL.

  • Is the Gateway server and the Siebel are up and running
    • In Windows open the services.msc from the Start>Run command and check if the services for the Gateway server and Siebel server are running.

  • Can we connect to Web server
    • try to hit the below URL mentioning the address of the webserver             http://webserver
    • This should open the web server default page or else it is a problem with the web server.

  • Is the web server recognizing the Siebel request for SWE plugin
    • Hit the below URL                                                                   http://webserver/emedia_enu
    • This should automatically append the start.swe and should look like http://webserver/emedia_enu/start.swe
    • If you do not see this, then the web engine is not properly configured.

  • Can you load the Stats Page
    • Hit the below URL and check if the Stats page is loading http://webserver/emedia_enu/_stats.swe
    • If this does not show the statistics, then either the web server or the SWE eplugin are mis configured.

  • Verify theSWEApp logs for the specific time frame you got the error message when you login

  • Check the eapps.cfg file to see if the web server can route to a Siebel server
    • Check the "ConnectString" parameter for the exact path to the Siebel server.
    • try to do a continuous ping to the Siebel server, Gateway server from the web server and reverse too.

  • Anonymous User information
    • Check for the Anonymous user credentials in the [Default] Section of the eapps.cfg file.

  • Check if the Siebel server and OM are in running status
    • connect to srvrmgr and issue the below command to check the status of the Siebel server. It should be in "Running" status.                                                                            srvrmgr>list server
    • Check the status of the OM component.It should be in "Running" status.                       srvrmgr>list comp <OM Alias>                                                                              svrrmgr> list comp <object manager alias> show CC_ALIAS, CP_DISP_RUN_STATE  
    • Check for the tasks for the component on the Siebel server                                     srvrmgr> list tasks for comp <OM Alias>                                                            srvrmgr> list tasks for comp <OM Alias> show TK_TASKID, TK_DISP_RUNSTATE, TK_LABEL 
    • If there are more than 1 tasks running then the request has successfully routed from web server to the Siebel server and to the OM component.
    • If not, then check for the connectivity b/w web server, Siebel server and Gateway server.

  • Check Database connectivity and able to login with SADMIN
    • Issue the below command in srvrmgr                                                                     srvrmgr> List param DSConnectString for named subsystem ServerDataSrc show PA_ALIAS, PA_VALUE
    • The results should show the PA_ALIAS as DSConnectString and PA_VALUE as the name of the connection entries above, Net Service Name for Oracle, DB2 Database entry for DB2 and System Data Source for Microsoft SQL Server.
    • If this value is incorrect, then change it to the correct value as below:                  srvrmgr> change param DSConnectString="<connectstring value>" for named subsystem ServerDataSrc

  • License Keys
    • Check if the correct license keys are entered.


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