Below are the detailed steps to change the hostname for a windows environment running Siebel 8.x
- Backup siebns.dat, siebel.cfg, eapps.cfg, eaps_sia.cfg and the corresponding application cfg files.
- Stop the siebel server.
- Navigate to <SIEBSRVR_ROOT>/bin directory in a command prompt.
- connect to srvrmgr using the below command: >srvrmgr /g <GatewayHost> /e <EnterpriseName> /u /p
- Run the below commands to update the Gateway port and the hostname:
- change param DSGatewayAddress=:<GatewayPort> for named subsystem ServerDataSrc
- change param DSConnectString=:<GatewayPort> for named subsystem GatewayDataSrc
- change param Host= for server <ServerName>
- you can now verify the changes by issuing the below commands:
- list hidden param DSGatewayAddress for named subsystem ServerDataSrc
- list param DSConnectString for named subsystem GatewayDataSrc
- list parameter HOST for server <ServerName>
- You need to remove the Siebel service by running the below command in the command prompt navigating to <SIEBSRVR_ROOT>/bin directory
- siebctl -d -S siebsrvr -i "EnterpriseName_SiebelServerName"
- Restart the Gateway server.
- Recreate the Siebel server service using the below command:
- siebctl -h "SIEBSRVR_ROOT" -S siebsrvr -i "EnterpriseName_SiebelServerName" -a -g "-g NewGatewayServerHostname:port -e EnterpriseName -s SiebelServerName -u sadmin" -e Password
- update GatewayAddress (gateway_host:port) under [ServerDataSrc] section and ConnectString (gateway_host:port) under [GatewayDataSrc] section in the application cfg file.
- change the hostname in eapps.cfg and eapps_sia.cfg files.
- Restart the gateway server and start the siebel server.