genbscript.exe is the utility that is sued to generate browser scripts from the .srf file. This executable is available in the siebsrvr/bin or the client/bin directories.
The syntax to run the command is:
genbscript <application cfg file> <dest directory> [language]
when generating browser scripts on the siebel server, the destination directory should be siebsrvr/WEBMASTER and the cfg file should be from the siebel server like below:
genbscript "c:\siebel80\siebsrvr\bin\ENU\siebel.cfg" c:\siebel80\siebsrvr\WEBMASTER ENU
After executing the genbscript utility, a new folder called <srfxxxxxxxxxx_xxx> is created in the c:\siebel80\siebsrvr\WEBMASTER folder
If deploying to the Mobile Web client, the dest_dir should be client/public/%LANG_CODE% and the config_file should be the appropriate language specific client configuration
genbscript "c:\siebel80\client\bin\ENU\uagent.cfg" "c:\siebel80\client\PUBLIC\enu"
if you are generating browser scripts for non ENU language then the syntax is as below:
genbscript "c:\siebel80\client\bin\FRA\uagent.cfg" "c:\siebel80\client\PUBLIC\fra" "FRA"
after the browser scripts are generated, either bounce the web servers to refresh the files from the siebel server or by Updating Web Server Static Files on the SWSE Using the Web Update Protection Key. more details can be found here
The syntax to run the command is:
genbscript <application cfg file> <dest directory> [language]
when generating browser scripts on the siebel server, the destination directory should be siebsrvr/WEBMASTER and the cfg file should be from the siebel server like below:
genbscript "c:\siebel80\siebsrvr\bin\ENU\siebel.cfg" c:\siebel80\siebsrvr\WEBMASTER ENU
After executing the genbscript utility, a new folder called <srfxxxxxxxxxx_xxx> is created in the c:\siebel80\siebsrvr\WEBMASTER folder
If deploying to the Mobile Web client, the dest_dir should be client/public/%LANG_CODE% and the config_file should be the appropriate language specific client configuration
genbscript "c:\siebel80\client\bin\ENU\uagent.cfg" "c:\siebel80\client\PUBLIC\enu"
if you are generating browser scripts for non ENU language then the syntax is as below:
genbscript "c:\siebel80\client\bin\FRA\uagent.cfg" "c:\siebel80\client\PUBLIC\fra" "FRA"
after the browser scripts are generated, either bounce the web servers to refresh the files from the siebel server or by Updating Web Server Static Files on the SWSE Using the Web Update Protection Key. more details can be found here