Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Siebel: Create Siebel Anonymous Web Service

(1) Make sure the eapps.cfg entry for the OM you will use has the following entries:

UseAnonPool = TRUE
AnnonUserPool = <size of the pool>
You can use the [/eai_anon_enu] as it should already contain all the parameters required.

Make sure you have the parameters below set either on the eai_anon_enu section or on the [defaults] section of the eapps.cfg. If you set it on the eai_anon_enu section it will override the defaults section values.

AnonUserName = GUESTCST
AnonPassword = ********

The user set as AnnonUserName will be the one used for the web service. so if you want only the eai_anon_enu anonymous user to be different then you need to set it up on the eai_anon_enu section.

(2) You need to have a named subsystem with the following parameters:

AllowAnonymous = TRUE
Impersonate = FALSE
You can copy the WebService or SecureWebService named subsystems and give it a name like AnonWebService and set the above parameters.

(3) Locate the <Siebel Enterpise Server Home>/siebsrvr/bin/enu/<language>/eai.cfg file, open the eai.cfg file and review the [HTTP Services] section. Add the 'AnonWebService' service to the eai.cfg file as follows:

[HTTP Services]
WebService = WebService
SecureWebService = SecureWebService
AnonWebService = AnonWebService

(4) On your web service you need to change the address from for example:


Note the change on the address to point to the eai_anon_enu (or the one you created) and change the SWEExtSource to point to AnonWebService (assuming this was the name you gave to the named subsystem).

Along with that, make sure the operations have the Authentication Type set to None.

After the changes are made, restart the Siebel Server, Gateway and web server so that all the changes take effect.


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