Friday, March 6, 2015

Siebel: "ObjectLevelTransactions" Argument of the EAI Siebel Adapter Business Service

"ObjectLevelTransactions" Argument is available in all the methods of EAI Siebel Adapter Business Service except for the Query and Query Page methods.

By default, Siebel treats all Integration Object instances in the Siebel Message as a single transaction.
Assume an input Siebel Message has 10 records to be inserted into Siebel.
Siebel successfully inserts the first 6 records and an error occurs while inserting the 7th record.
Siebel will roll back all the 6 successfully records too.
It either successfully inserts all 10 records or none of them will gets processed.

By setting the "ObjectLevelTransactions" argument to "true", siebel will ignore the error out 7th record and it continues processing the 8th, 9th and 10th records.
Siebel treats each record as an individual transaction instead of treating the whole Siebel Message as a single transaction.

The output Siebel Message will contain the reason for the failed record.
The status of each record is recorded in the "ErrorCode" and "ErrorSymbol" Integration Component Fields of the root component in the Integration Object.

We need to process the output Siebel Message to identify and process the failed records/transactions.

1.) Create a Business Service or eScript to process the output Siebel Message from the EAI Siebel Adapter Business Service to traverse the message searching for error messages and process them as required.

2.)Write the output Siebel Message from the EAI Siebel Adapter Business service to an xml file.
You can use either "EAI XML Write to File"  Business Service with method "WriteXMLHier" or "XML Hierarchy Converter" Business Service with method "XMLHierToXMLDoc".
In both the Business Services, set the "EscapeName" argument to "false" to remove any invalid xml characters in the Integration Component Field names.

We cannot use "WriteEAIMsg" method of the "EAI XML Write to File" Business Service as it expects a Siebel Message and will not save the ErrorCodes and ErrorMessages from the output of the EAI Siebel Adapter Business Service.
To Summarize, we need to identify the output of the EAI Siebel Adapter as a generic XML message but not as a Siebel Message.


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